All High-School seniors know the struggle: trying to find balance in life among presumably difficult academics, extra-curriculars, clubs, leadership and college applications. It seems that all the previous items just funnel into the actual college resume most of the time, and for some people, it is the reason they do those items. But the most important part of the entire application is the essay, yet that is only if there is an essay required. I’ve been doing a ton of research on the essay as a result, and I would like to share what I have learned here.

  1. The Essays are about you and how you tell the story

This is really a given, but this is something a lot of people tend to look over. It can be hard for you to make the right decision about what to write about, and as a result, people can get caught up in doing what they wish they did instead of who they actually are. I was guilty of doing this myself, but I managed to catch myself and make a much more accurate picture early on.